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Subscription Plans

Become a Subscriber Today! Unlimited Access to Namaste Kid’s Teaching Tools & More Whether you want to introduce yoga to preschoolers, find Brain Break ideas for you elementary classroom, get fresh ideas for your yoga studio, or learn more about inclusive yoga for students with varying abilities, Namaste Kid has the tools for you. For as low as $4.99/month you’ll have access to our complete collection of: Regularly updated content, …

Teaching Tools for Kids Yoga Class

Planning a Kids’ Yoga Class:
Full Lesson Plans

Keeping kids engaged in yoga class means we need to offer variety, creativity, and ton of fresh ideas! New themes and fun twists on classics can be a challenge to create.  Our Lesson Plans Our Lesson Plans offer full 45-60 minute classes, centered on themes that appeal to kids 3-7 years old! They include: A complete script, from beginning to end for you to follow Themed class openings and centering activities Yoga …

Once Upon a Mat DVD

Once Upon a Mat brings your child on exciting yoga adventures, including an African safari, a trip to outer space, and getting caught in a thunderstorm!

Kids Yoga Teaching Tools

Planning a Kids’ Yoga Class:
Where to Start

Everybody needs inspiration for their classes! Sometimes we need help from beginning to end, while other times we simply need a new book to bring into the mix.  Our Teaching Tools help instructors no matter where they are teaching. You’ll find brilliant ideas for yoga camps and classes, yoga in schools, and yoga at community events.  Where to Start If you’re looking for a class focus, start your search in …

Yoga Ideas for Mixed Age Groups

  When given the option, most yoga instructors will chose relatively narrow age ranges for classes. Typical age ranges would be 3-5, 5-8, and 8-10 years old. Often times we can use the same materials with these different groups. However, we choose to separate by narrow margins because our presentation, and class flow, are heavily dependent on the ages of our students! Sometimes our classes are set for us, or …