Utthita Parsvakonasana

Extended Side Angle Pose is a fun and calming yoga pose that kids of all ages benefit from!

It’s a great pose for space-themed yoga activities, including Blast Off. Pretend your hand is a rocket ship, and have it take off from your shoulder and fly overhead.

Step 1
Begin in Mountain Pose.

Step 2
Step your feet wide apart, and stretch your arms out to either side, palms facing down.

Step 3
Turn one foot, so your toes are pointing out to the side.

Step 4
Bend your knee on your leg with your toes pointed away from your body.

Step 5
Gently lower your arm to rest on your thigh, and bring your other hand up to your shoulder.

Step 6
Extend your hand from your shoulder up over your head, and gaze at your fingertips.

Step 7
Hold this pose for a couple of breaths, then lower your hands and step your feet together.

Step 8
Repeat on your opposite side.

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