Valentine’s Day is filled so many fun ways to celebrate love and kindness – and we can do them all on a yoga mat! This lesson plan is perfect during the month of February, as children explore all the ways the can show love and kindness to each other. 

This lesson plan includes:

  • A centering activity and guided group discussion, where children come together and prepare for class
  • Warm-up yoga flow
  • Valentine’s Day yoga adventure, that focuses on large muscle movement 
  • Yoga poses set to a sweet Valentine’s Day story
  • Relaxing yoga flow, that focuses on heart-opening yoga poses
  • Guided savasana that helps children embrace the love that surrounds them
  • Mindfulness activity, to create a fun take-home

The steps in this class can be adjusted to fill a 45-60 minute yoga class, and is appropriate for children 3-8 years old. 

Be sure to click through each activity, so you can be familiar with the entire class plan.


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