Some kids are always ready for a nap, while others need more help unwinding from a busy morning. Gradual transitions can make the change from silly-time to nap-time much easier for everyone!

Begin by having children get their nap space ready. Maybe they need to set up a cot or spread out their blanket. At this point, calming yoga is an effective transition to use before kids lay down for sleep. 

Child Doing Yoga Pose for Nap Time

The more you use yoga to prepare for naps, the easier the transitions will become! You can even encourage children to practice before bedtime when they are at home. 

Tell Me About Your Day Today is a short story that helps children to process their morning, so they are better able to settle down for sleep. Children get a full body stretch, then settle into their nap place in Nighttime Stretches.

Feel free to explore all of nap time yoga ideas!

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