
Extended Child’s Pose is one of the easiest (and most effective) ways to help children guide their big feelings to a more manageable place. From early childhood through adulthood, Child’s Pose eases people into a calmer state of mind. 

Age-appropriate introductions to Extended Child’s Pose can be found in Focus Your Energy and Time For Bed.

Teach children to settle into this pose when they need help managing and expressing their feelings, or if they need help falling asleep at bedtime. They can stay here and breathe in their own space for as long as they are comfortable doing so.

Begin by having children practice for a few breaths when they are already calm, and slowly introduce them to longer periods of time here. You can also have children pretend to be a mouse, and squeak while holding this pose!

Step 1
Kneel on the floor, touching your big toes together.

Step 2
Sit back on your heels, and separate your knees hip-width apart.

Step 3
Slowly bring your head down, and rest it on the floor in front of you.

Step 4
Comfortably stretch your arms in front of you. For a nice back stretch, walk your fingers forward.

Step 5
Relax and breathe. You can stay in this pose as long as you would like. 


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